Menopause is not the same for every woman. We know that for sure. What we don't know is when it will start, how long it will last, what to expect, and when it will end. AND WHAT WE ALSO KNOW FOR SURE is WE'RE STRONGER going through it TOGETHER!

If you’re ready to break through the invisibility, silence, isolation, and mystery of peri-menopause and menopause, then join us for this 3-month Women's Circle where you'll find wise woman sisterhood, rest and relief, and a magical initiation into your own joyful journey!

Bringing Menopause out of the Shadows and into the Light!

“Hi! I'm Cindi. In the words of the iconic, female rocker Pat Benetar, I’m all Fired Up – literally and figuratively. As a wife, mom, teacher, and busy woman who survived 10+ years of peri-menopause, I'm on a mission to bring “the change” out of the shadows and into the light. In my women’s circles, I'll help you find rest, release, and relief during peri-menopause, so you can have a happy and healthy wise womanhood. I'll teach you how to reclaim your physical and emotional well-being with restorative yoga and simple self-care habits. I love to show midlife women, like you, pregnant with the possibility of who you’re becoming, how to rebirth yourself into a vibrant second half of life. Your joyful journey through midlife can start right here in the powerful, transformative women's circle ~ Inspired Menopause. I'm so glad you're here!”

Your MidLife MidWife

Cindi Buenzli Gertz

One woman might "sail through" the bodily changes only to find herself "crying at the drop of a hat" or reacting to "red hot anger." Other women may find themselves drenched in hot flashes or "crime-scene periods" for months at a time.

No two experiences are alike, and women can be affected not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Discover Ease, Confidence, Energy, and Grace!

  • Find Calm

    Free yourself from feeling anxiety, isolation, and alienation by connecting with the REAL experts ~ other women who have gone through or are going through menopause or are wondering what to expect.

  • Cool Off

    Find relief from hot flashes, night sweats, and other physical discomforts so you can function with more ease and peace. And yes, we'll talk about what's going on with sex and what can help!

  • Gain Energy

    Feel energized and get over exhaustion by giving yourself permission to rest and learning how to relax deeply. Because who feels sexy when completely depleted? We'll get those juices flowing!

  • Get Clear

    Clear up confusion with up-to-date information conveniently located in one place – no more searching through google on your own or being dismissed by untrained doctors. Ideas and resources will be shared in this caring circle.

  • Stay Focused

    Lose the foggy-brained, bobble-headed lack of concentration and get focused on your intentions and clear on your goals. Masterfully move through your day with more clarity and confidence.

  • Be Seen

    And best of all, be seen and heard as the Vibrant Woman you are when you shed your invisibility cloak once and for all. Together, we'll create a new legacy of celebration around the most significant time of midlife - menopause.

Be Supported Through the Nitty Gritty!

“I think I found you at just the right time ~ discovering a fabulous group of women to go on this journey with and supporting each other through the nitty gritty!”

Vibrant Woman Inner Circle Sister & Returning Inspired Menopause Sister

Tammy Jo Turcotte

Inspired Menopause is for ALL women who are curious about "the change" whether you are. . .

  • Just Wondering

    You could be menopause curious if you're just on the cusp of "the change" and are noticing shifts in your body and wondering if this is it, OR you could be intrigued if you didn't have a natural unfolding of your journey (an abrupt or medical menopause) and felt robbed or left out of this rite of passage for every woman. I believe it's never too early or too late to learn about what to expect or to heal a part of your menstrual experience or life cycle. No matter your age, you can learn and be a part of creating a new legacy for the next generation!

  • IN Peri-Menopause

    Peri means "around" and the fires of this season can last from 2 to 12 or even more years. Some women can start having hot flashes/night sweats in their late 30's or early 40's and others see them lasting well into their 70's. Other physical indicators could be changes in your menstrual cycle like heavy bleeding or missed periods, vaginal dryness, body odor, a resurgence of PMS discomforts, and pure exhaustion. You may also experience anxiety, mood swings, or depression. Foggy thinking, difficulty concentrating, or lack of motivation may be affecting your mental health. Or perhaps you're experiencing a spiritual crisis or awakening of heightened intuition, creativity or thoughts of your mortality.

  • Post-Menopausal

    Menopause becomes official after going 12 consecutive months without bleeding or having a period. For many post-menopausal women this signals the end ~ relief, freedom, and celebration! And that's all true and you have so much wisdom to share. But are you informed and prepared for what may come next - vaginal atrophy, painful intercourse, prolapsed organs, post menopausal bleeding - and ready to prevent or minimize the risks or get support. Many women in their 60's and 70's say to me, "Oh, I'm done with all of that business." But are you?

I Wasn't Alone ~ that was the Biggest Help!

“Yay!!! I'm so happy to be taking this class again! I thought I would know what is happening during peri-menopause, and I was surprised how much more I learned! The first year I went through Inspired Menopause, I was so excited for each circle; it was my yummy time. I’d just be floating. It was the most relaxed I’ve ever been in my life! It felt very special. I felt privileged to be part of this women's circle, and it broadened my world to hear other women’s stories. I could feel the rawness, the pain, the challenges of what was happening. And I realized, I wasn’t alone ~ that was probably the biggest help. ”

Vibrant Woman Inner Circle Sister & Returning Inspired Menopause Sister

Kristie Gonzales

In this 3-month inspiring and empowering women's circle, you'll learn:

  • DEEP REST - the #1 thing that can help you thrive and not just survive through perimenopause (whether it's 2 or 10 years+) and menopause

  • How to put the 4 KEYS TO A JOYFUL JOURNEY through perimenopause and menopause into practice

  • The 11 ESSENTIAL RESTORATIVE PRACTICES for a more easeful, graceful, and energy-filled passage through perimenopause

  • The SECRETS TO EMOTIONAL MASTERY with Cindi's signature Feel, Rest, & Digest Practice

  • SPACE, TOOLS, AND REFLECTIONS TO HEAL YOUR RELATIONSHIPS with your period and menstrual life cycle

  • How a FEMININE COMFORT KIT can support you through the unpredictability of perimenopause and how to put your very own together

  • Plus, so much more, like THE LATEST ON GETTING YOUR SEXY JUICES FLOWING again and HRT!

I Finally got some SLEEP!

“When I was searching for guidance from my OBGYN about perimenopause discomforts in my body, I was told to ask my mom or sister. Neither of them could help me. I was so thankful to find the Inspired Menopause Circle and other women who understood what I was going through. Cindi guided me through some amazing restorative yoga and magical meditations that helped both my body and mind. With ongoing support, I felt less irritable and more at peace, and I finally got some SLEEP. I highly recommend this circle.”

Vibrant Woman Inner Circle Sister & Returning Inspired Menopause Sister

Tiffanie Rose Lightner

Inspired Menopause will include 4 Core Modules, plus two BONUS Circles on Sex & Menopause and HRT, making this program completely unique. You'll learn tools to create a...

  • BEAUTIFUL BODY: accept and appreciate your changing body and receive deep, delicious, nourishing rest physically.

  • OPEN HEART: master your mood swings and emotional reactions, discover relationship healing, and learn to choose how you show up.

  • CLEAR MIND: shift perspective (the most powerful gift to yourself in midlife), reframe old stories and beliefs, and celebrate midlife and menopause as a powerful portal into your second act.

  • FREE SPIRIT: awaken and trust your intuition (your midlife superpower) and deepen your divine feminine connection, bringing balance to your body, mind, and spirit.

Guidance and Tools when Simply Existing was Hard!

“I'm very grateful to have taken Inspired Menopause multiple times. I've received guidance and tools from Cindi to use during the most difficult aspects of this transition when simply existing was hard and not comfortable at all!”

Inspired Menopause Alumna

Natalie T.

Inspired Menopause Program Options...

I feel passionate about breaking the silence around menopause. Now, more than ever, midlife women want to lean into supportive, loving communities. They want to heal their relationships with themselves, their loved ones, and their menstrual cycles. And women going through menopause want to feel like they’re not alone. They want open, real conversations around this often overlooked and undervalued time of life, which secretly pulses with power, potential, and possibility. Join us and choose from the following 2 packages. Each includes an up-front investment or pay plan option.

OPTION 1 ~ Inspired Menopause Essentials Package, which includes:

Enjoy the basics at the group level with...

  • Eight nourishing (LIVE) 2-hour Women’s Circles + 2 Circle Replays on Sex & HRT

  • Unlimited Access to circle material in Thinkific including Replays, Quick Reference Guides, PDF Handouts, and Mini Practice Videos

  • Lifetime Access to the Vibrant Woman Community on Thinkific for continued support and connection with your Inspired Menopause sisters

  • Bonus Guide: Menopause Resource & Recommended Reading List

  • Bonus Videos: Cooling the Fires of Hotflashes and Building your Feminine Comfort Kit

  • Bonus Guest Teacher Replays on Topics related to Perimenopause & Menopause

  • Special Writing Circle: Learn how to record your journey through perimenopause and menopause, leaving a legacy of love for future generations

  • Crone Celebration Circle ~ wrap-up your experience with an oracle card party, where you'll find your Animal Ally for continued guidance through perimenopause and menopause

For more focused attention, deep nourishment, and accelerated results...

OPTION 2 ~ Inspired Menopause Revelations Package, which includes:

Take your Inspired Menopause to the Next Level with...

  • ALL OF THE ABOVE in the Essentials Package

  • PLUS... two private, personalized 50-minute Sacred Self Care Sessions with Cindi, your MidLife MidWife

  • SPACE IS LIMITED at this level so register yours now!


  • When will the Inspired Menopause Women's Circles take place?

    Live circles will be held on Thursdays starting March 28 through June 13 from 8 - 10am PT/10am - 12 pm CT/11am - 1pm ET. There will be two weeks (April 25 and May 30 where we won't meet live, but a pre-recored circle will be dropped into the course portal). We'll meet in my virtual Zoom Room (links will be sent in an email closer to the event).

  • What will I need to have for the Inspired Menopause Women's Circles?

    You will need equipment for a restorative yoga practice and gentle movement. As soon as you register, you'll have access to a list of required props and a link where you can order any you need. When I'm guiding a pose, I also offer alternatives you might have on hand around your home.

  • What do I need to wear to the Women's Circles?

    Wear comfortable clothes, like yoga pants, leggings, or sweat pants, that allow you to move and stretch, Also, dress in layers as your body temperature may fluctuate.

  • What if I can't make it live to every circle?

    You'll gain the most benefit from attending live, in-person on zoom. However, if that's not possible, the circles will be recorded in several shorter modules that you can digest at your own pace. All materials will be downloadable, and you'll have unlimited access to the replays for life if you download them.

  • Is the Inspired Menopause Women's Circle for me if I've had a medical menopause?

    That's a resounding YES! In my opinion, women who've had the unfortunate experience of having a medical menopause are thrust into it. Their period stops abruptly, and while many physical challenges may still occur, you've been robbed of the luxury of going through the process and attending to the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the journey.

  • What will I get out of the Inspired Menopause Women's Circle if I'm just starting in perimenopause?

    The early stages of perimenopause are a great time to join us. You'll get a sneak peek into what to expect. And when things get a little rougher in your journey, you'll already have the support of wise woman relationships.

Birth a Joyful & Vibrant Life!

“I’m 62 … I started to work with Cindi 18 years ago in my first moments as an empty nester. I was gaining weight, in a stressful career, helping a dad with Alzheimer’s, and had just come out of a hysterectomy after more debilitating endometriosis than I could bear anymore. I was a master pretender and perfectionist. I had no idea then how fortuitous meeting Cindi would be. She has helped me birth a new, joyful, and vibrant life. I have tools and skills and shifts and a sisterhood that are rich and life-sustaining. I owe who I am today to this program and Cindi’s lifelong passion to live, love, and learn. I hope to see you among the many sisters in her circles! ”

Vibrant Woman Inner Circle Member & Inspired Menopause Alumna

Michelle "Mitzi" Anderson ~ Green Valley, AZ

Are you ready to befriend your body, open your heart to the most potent and powerful change you'll ever go through, and embrace who you're becoming?

Registration for this Once-A-Year Unique Program Closes Soon!

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Help Stop Period Poverty!

And finally, your registration will

Conscious Living Arts & the Vibrant Woman Program are paying it forward. Women and girls around the globe suffer from an inadequate supply of feminine essentials like bras, undies, and menstrual hygiene products. We commit to donating 20% of all profits collected from this program to I Support the Girls.