You're warmly invited to immerse yourself in deep, delicious rest and renewal during a magical weekend retreat in the heart of the lush and tranquil Tennessee Mountains.

Rekindle and create new nourishing connections with your midlife sisters who are also in perimenopause and menopause and understand what you're going through.

 Walk away knowing that you are seen, heard, and held in a loving circle of support. 

Leave refreshed in body, heart, mind, and spirit!

At TAO Retreat Center, you'll enter the peace and solitude of Nature's Sanctuary.

Take a break from the noise of the world ~ at work, on social media, away from your many duties to family and friends, and from the constant push to please, produce, and perfect.

Refresh yourself in the beauty of forest and foliage, overflowing natural springs and ponds, and a labyrinth, where you can find your center again. Rest on the swing, lounge in one of the many hammocks, or hike a trail and drop into the present moment.

Join us for the Inner Radiance Retreat October 18 - 20, 2024. Awaken Inner Wisdom, Potential, and Possibility with. . .


    Find comfort, silence, and refreshment when you connect with your body, breath, and heart through nourishing, restorative poses and practices.


    Calm your mind. Be led through divine visualizations and journal prompts to discover your inner light, clarity, wisdom, and voice.


    Let go of muscular, emotional, and mental tension to feel more peace, ease, and freedom when we walk the grounds, stretch, and dance.


    Feel the acceptance, compassion, and authenticity within a community of fully present, open-hearted, positively-focused women. Much needed space will be given for connecting and sharing with your retreat sisters.


    Shift gears and view points and come away from the retreat feeling refreshed and renewed ~ physically, emotionally, and mentally. Gain insights from lessons learned in the past year and be ready to step into the new year with confidence!

Meet Cindi Buenzli Gertz ~ Your Retreat Leader & MidLife MidWife

“Hi, I’m Cindi! If you’re a woman in perimenopause or menopause, I’d like you to think of me as your MidLife MidWife. My desire to help you navigate this powerful passage stems from my own 10+ years going through perimenopause. And even long before “the change”, I transformed my own self-care habits after a quarter life crisis in my late 20s. I love to show women how to rest deeply and breakthrough the habits of pushing, pleasing, and perfecting, a struggle I overcame after burning out. I’m a Certified Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Advanced Relax & Renew Trainer, and Co-author of two bestselling anthologies, Awakening the Divine Feminine: 18 Stories of Healing, Inspiration, & Empowerment and LOVE NOTES from the Soul: Stories of Transformation & Hope. As the creator of the Vibrant Woman Program and the Inspired Menopause Circle, I love to help my midlife sisters, like you, design your own joyful journey, come alive again, and thrive with abundance. There’s so much potential and possibility awaiting you “on the other side”. I’m so glad you’re here!”

Your MidLife MidWife

Cindi Buenzli Gertz

In this refreshing Restorative Yoga Retreat and Women's Circle, you will:

  • SLOW DOWN, RELAX, and give yourself permission to LET GO completely.

  • REST DEEPLY and RESTORE body, heart, mind, and spirit.

  • RELEASE TENSION, STRESS, WORRY, AND GUILT about taking time for yourself and your self-care.

  • DISCOVER INNER PEACE when you EXPLORE the POWERFUL POSSIBILITIES in seasonal changes and life's transitions.

  • SET HEALTHY INTENTIONS and FEEL CONFIDENT AND VIBRANT as this year comes to an end and a new one begins!

Wise words from attendees of past Radiance Retreats:

“I'm very grateful to have participated multiple times. I've received guidance and tools from you to utilize during the most difficult aspects of life when simply existing was hard and not comfortable at all!”

Healing Ways

Natalie T.

“I found healing through a rich, full practice. My heart, my mind, my body, and my spirit have come back to me again. I can see life dance all around me. I've been able to let go, transform my fears into hopes, and reinvent myself. Now, a healthier version of me is emerging.”

Decidedly Alive

Michelle A.

“I enjoyed sharing with other women, getting support, and meditating and centering, which gave me energy and an awareness of my inner voice. Now, I'm taking time for me, and being good to myself. Loved it! ”

Better Self Wellness

Cindy H.

INNER RADIANCE ~ a restorative immersion for midlife women who crave MORE ENERGY & EASE

Inner Radiance Retreat: October 18 - 20, 2024

Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to pre-retreat materials and your bonus bundle when you sign up now. Then join me in person from October 18 - 20, 2024 for a weekend immersion into RENEWAL and REFRESHMENT for your body, heart, mind, and soul!

Thoughts about women's circles and being in Sisterhood:

“You are my Soul Sisters now!”

Jennifer S. ~ Arizona

“It showed me the lives of other women on common paths!”

Tam M. ~ Tennessee

“I feel so connected!”

Becky J. ~ Wisconsin

“You are all much needed in my life!”

Kristie G. ~ Michigan

“I enjoyed sharing with other women!”

Cindy H. ~ Wisconsin

“We're stronger together!”

Carrie H. ~ North Carolina

In this affirming retreat, held annually, you'll have an opportunity to...

  • CREATE EASE, SIMPLICITY, & SACRED SPACE when you learn Cindi's signature "SAVE TIME WITH ONE SETUP" restorative sequence.

  • FLOW with the GENTLE MOON SALUTATION, created for women by women to support STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY, & BALANCE.

  • REFLECT and OPEN TO POSSIBILITY with guided journaling activities, creative practices, and sharing circles.

  • Experience open, honest, REAL CONVERSATION and CONNECTION with other women who appreciate you and your life experiences.

  • EXPRESS YOURSELF in loving sisterhood and FEEL SEEN, HEARD, and HELD with acceptance and grace.

Thoughts about learning restorative yoga with Cindi:

“Never have I been so relaxed in my life. Thank you for the circle – it’s helped me immensely to do this!”

Kristie G. ~ Michigan

“I learned to listen to my body and intuition. It's the greatest gift I can give to myself, my family, and my friends!”

Tammy Jo T. ~ Wisconsin

“I can imagine a whole new way of living. I felt renewed, empowered, and grateful!”

Mitzi A. ~ Arizona

“Now, I make space and time for myself. I'm intentional about meditation and yoga practice. I’m more centered and ready to give!”

Carrie H. ~ North Carolina

“Restorative yoga helped me learn how to slow down and listen to my body. Now, I take care of what area of my body or life I need to work with more deeply. I feel so much better, and I'm grateful every day!”

LuAnn S. ~ Wisconsin

“I loved the breathing, restorative yoga poses, and relaxation practices. I felt a sense of calm and a blossoming of my confidence!”

Hyla H. ~ Ohio

What's Included in Your Retreat Investment. . .

  • A nourishing, nature-filled environment in a private, peaceful setting.

  • One fresh, locally made meal per day supporting women-led small businesses.

  • Daily teachings on restorative poses and practices, personally led by Cindi.

  • Some equipment ~ a yoga mat (if not bringing one's own), one standard or round bolster, one block, and one blanket.

  • Many opportunities for deep reflection ~ in community, as well as within yourself and the nurturing, natural surroundings.

  • Powerful visualizations and ceremonies to guide you through the changing seasons and cycles of life and being a woman in perimenopause and menopause.

  • A curated group hiking experience through the beautiful Tennessee landscape during the peak of fall colors.

  • Unlimited access to quick reference guides to poses and practices, playlists, journaling prompts, and other support materials in an online course portal.

Plus, Enjoy this Inner Radiance Bonus Bundle

  • Inner Radiance Discovery Call

    Enjoy this 15-20 minute session the week before the retreat. Reconnect with or get to know your host and guide, Cindi Buenzli Gertz. Share what you'd like to receive from the retreat and what strengths you have to offer. Set your intention for the day!

  • Exclusive Vibrant Woman Community

    Enjoy exclusive membership in the Thinkific community for women who've attended an event or taken a program with Cindi. A platform with less noise and negativity, stay in touch with each other during and after courses, circles, retreats, and other events for a lasting connection.

  • Vibrant Woman Clarity Session

    Gather all of the goodness and momentum from your retreat experience in this 30-minute session. Set yourself up for success going forward with Cindi's guidance and recommendations based on 20 years of experience in sacred self-care!

Why Deep, Delicious Rest?

I love to say, "You have to let go to let in." We live in a grind culture of pushing through, people pleasing, and perfecting. While these tactics might have worked in our 20's and 30's, our 40+ year old bodies are looking for new ways to care for ourselves. Resting helps us receive and tap into abundance, so we can release the old "not enough" mindset. You are enough just as you are. And you'll get to remember that at the Inner Radiance Retreat.

Why choose Cindi to be your MidLife MidWife?

I love to show women how to rest deeply and breakthrough the habits of pushing, pleasing, and perfecting, a struggle I overcame after burning out. In my late 20's, I experienced a Quarter Life Crisis that led me to rest and restorative yoga becoming a way of life. Supported with a plethora of self-care tools by the time I turned 40, I not only survived, I thrived during perimenopause. And I'm still feeling vibrant and fully alive in menopause. I want that for you too!

One more Inspired MidLife Story of Inner Radiance...

“Oh, the POWER OF YOGA! When I started, I was looking for exercise to distract me from feeling when my son left home for college. Little did I know that what I practiced ON the mat would inform (and grow) me OFF the mat. MENTALLY. EMOTIONALLY. SPIRITUALLY. I don’t think yoga has made me into a different person. To the contrary, yoga’s LED ME BACK TO THE PERSON I'VE ALWAYS BEEN. I’ve befriended the “me” who has spent a lifetime in hiding — perfecting, pleasing, performing, pretending. Space has been cleared FOR THE REAL ME TO REVEL IN MY FULL WORTH. Today, I’m gratefully at ease. I feel RENEWED and EMPOWERED. What a gift to let life be and offer whatever it can. And, whatever I can offer back…I'M GENUINELY ENOUGH! ”

Vibrant Woman Inner Circle Sister

Michelle "Mitzi" Anderson ~ Green Valley, AZ

What's NOT Included in Your Retreat Investment. . .

  • Lodging, your round-trip airfare from home, and any ground transportation.

  • Personal, medical, or trip cancellation insurance (highly recommended)!

  • Meals and snacks outside the retreat hours and the one daily meal provided (supper on Friday; lunch on Saturday and Sunday).

  • Any tips and gratuities for lodging, car services, or meals eaten outside the retreat center.

  • Equipment: not all props will be provided, and you'll receive a complete list of what's required upon registration.

  • Fees and tips for any on-site massage services offered.

  • Use of the retreat kitchen and facilities outside of the retreat hours.

  • Souvenirs, fees for private individual trips not associated with the retreat, personal calls, laundry, etc.

This In-Person Inner Radiance Retreat is definitely for you if you:

  • Love and appreciate nature and want to immerse yourself in it for three days.

  • Enjoy seeing the occasional snake, fox, or bear (at a safe distance, of course), and the more common frogs, deer, and birds of all kinds, including a resident hawk.

  • Are ready to really release and let go of physical, emotional, and mental tension.

  • Look forward to year-end rituals and ceremonies to reflect deeply and call in new intentions for your most vibrant health and well-being.

  • Desire authentic and heartfelt connection in a judgement-free zone with other midlife women who are in perimenopause or the midst of other big changes.

  • Can show up as yourself with vulnerability, an open heart, and willingness to learn and grow.

This In-Person Retreat's Probably Not For You If You:

  • Don't enjoy being in nature or appreciate creatures and critters of the natural world.

  • Aren't really up for traveling or new adventures that may involve some personal growth.

  • Really aren't into the Divine Feminine or Goddess appreciation and language.

  • Want to avoid deep connections with other women in midlife, preferring to go it alone.

  • Don't have an interest in a transformative experience and are happy with life the way it is.

If the In-Person Inner Radiance Retreat is not for you. . .

Maybe it's too far to travel or the dates conflict with other plans or nature just isn't your jam. If you're still interested in deep, delicious rest and renewal in supportive sisterhood, check out Cindi's online version of the Inner Radiance Retreat happening November 8-10, 2024.

Still Have Questions? Let's Answer Some FAQs.

  • Where and when will this retreat take place?

    OCTOBER 18 - 20, 2024: Meet me at the TAO Retreat Center on World Menopause Day for a Full Moon Weekend Retreat. TAO is located between the mountain towns of Johnson City and Elizabethton, TN. You'll receive the exact address once you register.

  • What's the daily schedule for the retreat?

    We'll meet at these times (healthy bio breaks and one daily, fresh-made local meal will be included): FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18: 1:00 - 6:00pm Eastern SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19: 10:00am - 6:00pm Eastern SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20: 10:00am - 6:00pm Eastern

  • What will I need for the retreat weekend?

    You'll need... #1) a willingness to open your heart and be vulnerable (HINT: vulnerability is also your greatest strength). #2) a journal and pen. #3) equipment for a restorative yoga practice and gentle movement. NOTE: As soon as you register, you'll have access to a list of PROPS REQUIRED and a link where you can order any you need. Some equipment will be provided (see the section on what's included and what's NOT included with your retreat investment).

  • What lodging is included or available?

    Lodging is not available at the TAO Retreat Center and is NOT included in your retreat investment. Once you register, a list of AirBnBs and Hotels in the area will be provided. It's highly recommended that you reserve facilities that are refundable and purchase trip insurance or protection.

  • What if I have food allergies or sensitivities?

    Every effort will be made to provide alternatives for those who have food allergies or sensitivities. It will be the participant's responsibility to provide this information to the retreat leader.

  • How close are the nearest airports?

    If you are flying to the retreat, three airports are nearby. Tri-Cities (TRI) located in Bristol, TN is the nearest at 36 miles/45 minutes away. Asheville, NC Airport (AVL) is the next closest and is approximately 75 miles/1 hour, 20 minutes away. And there's an airport in Charlotte, NC (CLT) that's 128 miles/2 hours, 20 minutes away.

  • Will transportation to and from the airport be provided?

    While transportation to and from the airport will not be provided, there are several car services available to rent. One could also hire a shuttle or inquire about Lyft and Uber in the area.

  • How can I take time away from my family or business and responsibilities for this?

    I get how hard it can be to take time away from your family. I've been there. The real question is what's the cost of not spending time nourishing yourself? How will that affect your family? And if you come home refreshed and renewed, how will that impact you and your family's health? Only you have the answer; I'll help you find it when we meet.

  • What kind of weather can I expect?

    Weather in the Tennessee mountains in October can vary greatly. While the fall colors could be at their peak with typically chilly days and nights, warm weather could also spike. At the other end of the spectrum, they've even seen snow some years! Our best recommendation is to check the weather forecast just before you pack.

  • What should I pack?

    Bring an assortment of clothes for all kinds of weather. Make sure to include comfortable clothes that allow you to stretch. A pair of tennis shoes or hiking boots, as well as slip-on shoes will be ideal. And don't forget your raincoat or umbrella!

  • What is the Cancellation Policy?

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation notice received in writing 61 days or more prior to the program, 40% of the total cost is non refundable.

Cancellation notice received in writing 60 days or less prior to the program, 100% of the total cost is non refundable.

Who can I contact if I still have questions and concerns?

Meet Your Inner Radiance Retreat Team

“While Cindi takes you into the realms of deep, delicious rest and renewal and guides your transformation, Michael (Cindi's hubby and all around supportive guy) and Lydie (TAO Hostess & Massage Therapist) will be supporting her (and you) behind the scenes.”

Michael, Cindi, & Lydie

Last Call ~ 10 Year Anniversary Special! Your Investment of $995 in a weekend of deep, delicious rest and renewal includes a 50-minute, personalized Sacred Self Care Session with Cindi when you sign up by September 26. Talk to Cindi to see if the Inner Radiance Retreat is a good fit and receive a coupon for 10% off your registration when you sign up.

Full Value = $1,495

Don't be left behind! Registration closes September 26th!

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